Let's Translate Chrono Trigger Part 1

Adam C. Clifton
23 Sep 2014

In which Crono's mom yells at him.


The little 「 at the start is an opening quotation mark. The rest is straight Katakana for the main characters name, KU - RO - NO.





We start with "Crono" again and then ったら. It's an abbreviation of といったら and is used in this case to show exasperation.

"Hey, Crono!"


Now that our eyes are open we can see who's speaking, it's another Katakana name JI - NA, so "Jina".

いつまで means "how long?" or "till when?"

ねてる is a more casual form of ねている, which itself is the present progressive (meaning that the action is currently in progress) form of ねる (to lie down, to sleep). "sleeping"

の is used for casual questions. Especially by women.

"How long are you sleeping?"

いいかげん is an idiom that's hard to translate on it's own. In this case it means the speaker is putting a negative connotation on what follows and would like the listener to end it now.

起きなさい is the firm but polite (eg: a mother or teacher trying to reign in a child) command form of 起きる [おきる] "to get up".

"Get up already!"

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